Welcome to Bear Bait Radio Club Online. Let’s start out with a little history of our club. The club was officially chartered in January of 2010 by a group of friends that all have the same love for amateur radio. Bear Bait Radio Club is an all around club, but our focus is in amateur radio education and promoting amateur radio. This club got its start at Mount Sabattis in Long Lake, NY in 2007. Two of our charter members came to Long Lake, NY and setup an HF (High Frequency) radio with a modest antenna. That radio station made six contacts in four hours with two of those contacts being in Europe. Armed with that information they decided Mount Sabattis would be a good site for a future Field Day location. Bear Bait Radio Club has used this site as their Field Day location ever since. Our President, Tom Delasin, realized that there was a lack of amateur radio education in this part of the Adirondacks. He contacted several of his Amateur Radio friends, got certified as Volunteer Examiners and formed a Volunteer Examiners Team. Tom and the VE Team were now able to offer a Technician class and exam session in the Long Lake area. The Bear Bait Radio Club has held this class every year in the fall for the last four years and has generated interest in Amateur Radio in this area. Town Supervisor Clark Seaman is currently a member of our club and obtained his FCC license through our class held in Long Lake. He has become a very avid amateur radio operator and promotes amateur radio through the Long Lake area.
The Bear Bait Radio Club promotes amateur radio in the Syracuse area as well as the Adirondacks.The majority of the current membership lives in the Syracuse area. The Bear Bait Radio Club meets monthly in Clay, NY at the new home of the Bear Bait Radio Club at the Clay Highway Department building..